Unplanned Pregnancy.
When an unplanned pregnancy occurs, it can be an emotional and scary time for a woman. Regardless of the situation, your life has been altered in a way that it’s never been before. Figuring out what to do next can be difficult with many voices offering their opinion- but what you do next is between you and God. This information packet is designed to guide you in a biblical direction!
Every human life has value regardless of the circumstances. That goes for you and your baby. You were both created in the image of God and were fearfully and wonderfully made. All of your days were written in God’s book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:13-16). Even though you don’t know your future or the future of this baby’s life, your decisions affect both. Pray that God will help you make choices that preserve His best for both of you—to allow you both to experience the full life He offers. As Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
If you’ve chosen to give birth to your baby, you have already taken a heroic step. But that’s just the beginning. Now you must decide who will raise this child. There is great responsibility involved in caring for a child in both the short and long-term. Being a parent means learning to lay down your life as a servant for your child (Philippians 2:3-7). Many parents choose to take on this responsibility alone. Single parents usually find, however, that the responsibilities are greater than they ever imagined and that despite the sacrifices they make, their children are left with great disadvantages. Often, an unplanned pregnancy can uncover a man’s true character and make it clear whether or not he has the courage and discipline to be a good husband or father. There are times, however, when a man who has been irresponsible about sex outside of marriage can still become the man you and your child need. With a lot of work and Biblical counsel, it’s possible to make even an unplanned family work.
If you are unable to care for the child, adoption is an equally difficult and heroic decision to make. You may be unable to financially, physically, or emotionally care for your child- and letting someone else provide those things for them is nothing to be ashamed of. Parenting is a great responsibility, and one that you may not be prepared for. Allowing another family to care for your child can fulfill an unmet desire for families who can’t conceive children or are called to adoption!
I’m Pregnant-Now What? by Ruth Graham
Locally, the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center offers aid to young women going through an unplanned pregnancy. CCPC has Freedom Church’s full support and is a great resource for this situation. They offer counseling, educational classes, infant supplies, and more!